Response Feedback
Once both you and another member you traded with have provided feedback on your transaction, you can each respond once to the feedback you receive.
You may want to do this:
- to acknowledge positive feedback
- to clarify a misunderstanding about a transaction process
- if you receive negative feedback comments and would like to provide your side of the story.
How do I send a response?
Both parties need to have provided feedback before either can respond.
- Sign in to and click the relavant Feedback From Seller / Buyer With Order ID : xxxxx on the contral panel.
- Enter your response to the member's feedback, then click Send to response the feed back.
Your response will be posted against your member profile and the other member's profile, directly below the original feedback comments.
Responding to negative feedback
If you have received negative feedback, try to resolve any misunderstandings before you post your response. The feedback comments and responses you send are likely to be read by other potential buyers or sellers and are viewed as an indication of how you conduct yourself online.
Offensive or defamatory feedback
Feedback must not include:
- profane, vulgar, obscene or racist language
- comments that are personally abusive, damaging or offensive toward another member.
Members who feel that comments made against are abusive or defamatory may raise a dispute to have the feedback removed by
Note: Negative feedback is not considered offensive or defamatory, and receiving negative feedback is not a sufficient reason to raise a dispute.
If you have received negative feedback you may:
- respond to the feedback and give your side of the story
- communicate with the other member to resolve any misunderstandings and ask to have the feedback removed via an request Withdrawal after you have signed in on the control pannel.
Refer to the Feedback & Ratings Policies for more details on prohibited content in feedback and responses