Start Shopping Town . Info 31g6zoa7, generated for lasyti
Create / Update Shop
- Log In your account
- Enter your username, password and security code then click Log In
- Hover My Shop ClickShop Maintenance
- Click the "Create/Update My Shop" below
- First Create a database
- Select your website just tick the radio button
- Select Reorder The Primary Categories Shown In The Navigation bar
- If you want to reoder the categories below just drag and drop inside the blue box
- You can set the columns and rows as many as you like in each pages as indicated below
- The red box represent the row and for the yellow box represent the column
- Click the Update button
- Successful message will display then go to the
- Navigation display as order
On this part we going to choose the secondary categories
- Select Reoder The Secondary Categories Shown In the Navigation Bar
- As you can see below there's a 2 blue box and you can still reorder the categories inside
- Click the Update button
- Successful message will display then go to the
- Navigation display as order
- Primary Categories
On this part we going to choose the add your own tertiary categories
- Select Add Your Own Tertiary Categories Shown In The Navigation bar
- Input 2 inside the text box
- Click the Update button
- Type your new category inside the txtbox
- After you typed your new category now drag the category below and drop per blue box that are empty
- The primary Categories below you can rearrange the order as you like
- Click the Update button
- Successful message will display then go to the
- Navigation display as order
End Shopping Town . Info 31g6zoa7 for lasyti