Sub categories

Start Shopping Town . Info 31g6zoa7, generated for lasyti
Online Shopping >> Help

Create / Update Shop

  1. Log In your account
  2. Enter your username, password and security code then click Log In
  3. Hover My Shop ClickShop Maintenance
  4. Click the "Create/Update My Shop" below
  5. First Create a database
  6. Select your website just tick the radio button
  7. Select Reorder The Primary Categories Shown In The Navigation bar
  8. If you want to reoder the categories below just drag and drop inside the blue box
  9. You can set the columns and rows as many as you like in each pages as indicated below
  10. The red box represent the row and for the yellow box represent the column
  11. Click the Update button
  12. Successful message will display then go to the
  13. Navigation display as order
  14. On this part we going to choose the secondary categories

  1. Select Reoder The Secondary Categories Shown In the Navigation Bar
  2. As you can see below there's a 2 blue box and you can still reorder the categories inside
  3. Click the Update button
  4. Successful message will display then go to the
  5. Navigation display as order
  6. Primary Categories
  7. On this part we going to choose the add your own tertiary categories

  1. Select Add Your Own Tertiary Categories Shown In The Navigation bar
  2. Input 2 inside the text box
  3. Click the Update button
  4. Type your new category inside the txtbox
  5. After you typed your new category now drag the category below and drop per blue box that are empty
  6. The primary Categories below you can rearrange the order as you like
  7. Click the Update button
  8. Successful message will display then go to the
  9. Navigation display as order
End Shopping Town . Info 31g6zoa7 for lasyti