Payment Processing Info
- Log In your account
- Enter your username, password and security code then click Log In
- Hover My Shop Click Shop Maintenance
- Click the Input Payment Processing Charge Info
- If you Tick all the Payment Method such as "Westpac Payment Gateway", "Paypal", "BPAY" this 3 payment option will display on the payment for customer to choose to make payment.
If you Tick only 1 Payment Method here then it will be display on the check out process to have only 1 option for customer to make a payment
If you Tick only 2 payment from them then it will display the corresponding options for customer to choose 1 of them to make a payment - we calculate it all in one, eg. it may include payment process charge, package processing charge and so on
- Successfull Message will display
- The Payment Method that you process will display here once the customer going to check out so they can choose there preferred Payment Method
Please take note:1. If you tick only 1 payment we show only 1 that you tick.
2. If you tick all the payment option we show all for them
3. If some of them then we only show which you tick for the customer to choose payment