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Manage Your Website/Shop (all red colors)

Referrer by website or website URL

The Sitemap is the back bone structure of our ecommerce website. It will be your guide map in case you will get lost in the process of setting up your account. The links will direct you to the page that will show you how you the steps you need.

Question and Answer for items

How to Place Orders

List item to sell on

Seller Order History Feedback

Buyer Order History Feedback

If still not clear enough, please click this link help page to find answer

Q & A :

1. Delivery Status

The Delivery Status is very important to Seller and Buyer. We deposit the funds to the Seller bank account in the following two cases :

1.1 Delivery Status is Recieved set up by buyer :

Once the Items is delivered that Person who ordered it in Shoppingtown needs to change the "Order Status" to "Recieved" in Shoppingtown Website. then if verified by our system we release the payment to the Seller of that Item in 3 to 5 working days.

1.2 Delivery Status Is Not In The Recieved Status

If the Person did not Changed the Order Status until 30 days estimated time for package handling and deliver (7 days), eg. It is long enough for us to assume the buyer has recieved and verified the ordered items in that period of time. We will release the payment to the seller. Therefore the Seller has responsibility to follow up to the buyer to change the Order Status to "Recieved" so there is no delay any payment release

2. Sitemap Components Color Description

2.1 Procedure To Build Up Own Website :

As a own domain shop account, you need to follow the procedure shown in the Sitemap. Red Color to create your website with your own domain.

2.2 List items sold on site

If you want more sell, you can enable your items to sell on with very limited administration charge. You can do it one item by one item or enable all items in your site in one time. It is shown by the block and line in purple color at end of red component in this sitemap. However, to list any item sold on the, you are required to be in compliance with the Terms & Conditions and User Privacy.

2.3 Referrer.

The two types of referrer are built in system :

1. referrer is input by human being at client registration or openning a shop account.

2. referrer is done by a website or URL shown in the block and line in the purple color at the top of right hand side.

If a referrer is from the website or website url, then user id registered for the referrer of that website or website url is set to the referrer id of the award points and the commission for openning a shop own domain web hosting account as default in the case the referrer ID does not input by that Peson. Therefore, referrer does not only get one time commission for openning a shop own domain web hosting account but also have lifetime award points. However, website or website referrer takes effect only after the website or website url is registered with

Referrer Priority

The referrer input by that Person has higher priority than one referred by a website or website url. Moreover the website url have higher priority than whole website. Once it is input by that Person or referred by the website or website url.

Types Of Referrer Commission
1. Award Points
The award points are one gived by shop owner who have sold items or services on the site and give service supplier as commission. The supplier will share these commission with referrer and buyer. The referrer will get award points in the lifetime as long as has gotten commission from shop owner for sold items or services on the

The award points are based on sold per item base, eg. if you input 100 award points in the selling item input. If total spold 10 items in this month, then we will charge shop owner for the 100 x 10 = 1000 award points for this item in this month.


100 award points = A$1.00

2. Commission

The Commission is given by for anyone who refers ecommerce web hosting job to This commission is quiet big amount of money. It is the one time and payment is made to referrer account once shop owner's client has opened a web hosting shop account and the commission is paid at the first time shop hosting owner makes the web hosting payment.
If shop owner's client opens a web hosting shop account and the one comes from the shop owner's website, then shop owner is taken as referrer and this commission is given to website shop owner. However, this takes effect only after you have registered with

3. Online Shop Components

3.1 Seller Control Panel

In order to build up a secure and easy maintenance website, we build a control panel for web hosting shop account on Shop owner can setup, maintence their own domain website and process orders on the control panel, which are shown in the block and line of the red, orange and navy blue color on this sitemap.

3.2 Buyer Control Panel

These information can apply to buyers in both and shop own domain website. They are shown in the Sitemap the violet line and navy blue color. The shop own domain buyer's control panel is built up on shop own domain website, eg. if the goods / service order is placed on shop own website, then the buyer needs to manage and process the order on shop own domain site. If the order is placed on the site, then all maintenence jobs will be done on In one word, we provide the same functions used in site as ones used in the shop own domain website for buyers.

3.3 Components

The site components consist of the block and line in purple, yellow, orange and navy blue color. The site is an ecommerce platform. Therefore it has no its own item for sale in the site.

3.4 Common Function Components Exist In Both And Shop Own Domain Website.

The and shop own domain website have common function components shown in the block and line of the yellow color under How to Place Orders and navy blue color under News Room.

End Shopping Town . Info 8o6aj21h for lasyti