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Start Shopping Town . Info a3jyb6xa, generated for lasyti
Online Shopping >>Terms & Conditions And Site Rules And Policies

Member-to-member contact policy

To keep everyone in our community safe we have guidelines and policies that cover how you communicate. As such you are not allowed to:

  • Send spam
  • Threaten others, or use profanity or hate speech
  • Exchange or collect or store private email addresses, phone numbers or other contact information, web addresses or links, information collected from delivery

Make sure that all information you have are used legally and do not expose any private information under any circumstance.

How to report a possible fraudulent transaction

Should you find a fraudulent transaction on your account, you must inform us immediately so we can assist you in line with our policies. We also encourage you to do the following

  • Contact local law enforcement.
  • Contact the payment service you used (if applicable).
  • Contact your credit card company (if applicable). Most companies protect against online fraud or misrepresentation
  • Report it to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (SCAMwatch).
  • Contact the postal carrier

Spam (email)

We don't allow our members to send each other spam. "Spam" is an email (or part of an email) that is both unsolicited and commercial in nature.

Unsolicited means the message was sent without the explicit request or consent of the person who received it. Commercial means the message discusses buying, selling, or trading of goods or services.

Some examples of spam include:

  • Unsolicited email offers sent to potential buyers
  • Email messages sent to a member on a mailing list without that member's prior permission
  • Invitations to join a mailing list that aren't related to your store

If you have received spam from another member, please report it.

If you received a warning for violating our spam policy and you believe it was sent in error, or you were suspended for violating our spam policy and would like to learn more, please contact us.


Users are expressly prohibited from making threats on any part of, including by email or on our public message boards (such as our discussion boards, Answer Centre, and other community areas).

If you receive a threat, please report it to Contact Us immediately. Also, report it to local law enforcement. In addition to contacting law enforcement, you should consider contacting your local phone company if the threat was made by telephone or the other member's Internet service provider (ISP) if the threat was made through email communication.

If, through the email evidence you provide, we confirm a serious threat of physical harm was made, the offending member's account will be indefinitely suspended.

End Shopping Town . Info a3jyb6xa for lasyti